Time flew by so fast. I did not have a chance to blog about any of it. So here is my 3 month flash briefing.
Mother's Day I won tickets to Brunch and was able to gift them to my friend and her family. My husband surprised me with brunch somewhere special. Read all about it here.
We bought Season Passes to Elitch Gardens.
If your smart get there early and park in the shade, it also makes a great spot to eat lunch. We always bring our own lunch and only buy snacks. My husband brings chairs, a table, and the cooler. A lady asked if I was "Mary Poppins" and she wondered what I would pull out next.
We got a steal of a deal. Sadie was free. 5 and under was free with proof of age but you must activate the pass by June 24th. Martin and I both received free $.99 refill cups, free guest passes, and free Parking with our season passes. We purchased the $12 Beer Refill Cup, all $9 beers will be $4 beers. Elitch Gardens is a great way to find a fun staycation from April to October. We bought passes once before but Sadie was too little. Now she can go on almost every adult ride except the ones that go extremely high or upside down. We really love the tilt-a-whirl and the trojan horse. Nothing is better than you stomach floating into your chest.
I realized it is not Elitch Gardens that is the problem, it is the people that go there.
It is super clean first thing in the season/ morning.
There was also that one time that guy stole our tube and it got popped.
When you live in a state with hardly any pools it is nice just to float the lazy river a few times a month.
We activated our passes in April. The water Park does not
open until Memorial Day weekend. You can tell Spring has
just began. No trees with leaves.
If your smart get there early and park in the shade, it also makes a great spot to eat lunch. We always bring our own lunch and only buy snacks. My husband brings chairs, a table, and the cooler. A lady asked if I was "Mary Poppins" and she wondered what I would pull out next.
We got a steal of a deal. Sadie was free. 5 and under was free with proof of age but you must activate the pass by June 24th. Martin and I both received free $.99 refill cups, free guest passes, and free Parking with our season passes. We purchased the $12 Beer Refill Cup, all $9 beers will be $4 beers. Elitch Gardens is a great way to find a fun staycation from April to October. We bought passes once before but Sadie was too little. Now she can go on almost every adult ride except the ones that go extremely high or upside down. We really love the tilt-a-whirl and the trojan horse. Nothing is better than you stomach floating into your chest.
I realized it is not Elitch Gardens that is the problem, it is the people that go there.
It is super clean first thing in the season/ morning.
There was also that one time that guy stole our tube and it got popped.
When you live in a state with hardly any pools it is nice just to float the lazy river a few times a month.
We activated our passes in April. The water Park does not
open until Memorial Day weekend. You can tell Spring has
just began. No trees with leaves.
We finished up Kindergarten and graduated to First Grade.
She is as sweet as she is beautiful.
Now that I lost weight we can wear matching shirts.
I will do it as long as she lets me and I can squeeze into the matching size.
I love twinning.
My twin, my baby, my heart.
Look at my First Grader, "Growing way, way up. Growing up with hopes and dreams....."
Some lyrics from a song they sung, that kept getting stuck in my head. Here it goes again.
Congratulation Mustang, You are officially a First Grader!
She is as sweet as she is beautiful.
Now that I lost weight we can wear matching shirts.
I will do it as long as she lets me and I can squeeze into the matching size.
I love twinning.
My twin, my baby, my heart.
Some lyrics from a song they sung, that kept getting stuck in my head. Here it goes again.
A heart breaking event led to an unfortunate trip to North Carolina. However, it gave us all some much needed time with our friends/family.
I got to spend time with my oldest friends.
I got to spend time with my oldest friends.
Sadie finally met her forever BFF. She counted down the minutes to her arrival. It was like they knew each other forever. They had an instant bond and did not leave each others side once.

They were two peas in a pod!
I told them they will know each other forever. When their Momma's are long gone,
they will have each other to lean on and to go to for memories.
It was so wonderful to spend time with my Beautiful Megs, I have known this girl since she was less than a year old.
I also got to spend time with my Beautiful Maddy. I think she could dub as my daughter.
Since we have matching hair. I have known her since she was a little over a year old.
I would take any three of these girls at any time!
Sadie enjoyed her first sleep over. She also got to meet "Blankie" which she says was "Gross and disgusting"! I told her it was new, once. A long time ago. Blankie #2 was not good enough. I do not even know if we should even call it a "Blankie", it should be renamed scraps or rags, something like that.
We all went to a Memorial Tyler's Friends pulled together at the park. They did a really good job. They all came forward and spoke about his wonderful smile and how he never had a bad thing to say about anyone. He was the lover of all. He was loved by all. He especially loved Ranch Dressing.
I hope his high school will give him an honorary graduation this year. He would be just about to begin his senior year at Cary High School.
Sadie made a heart and spelled Tyler's name with small sticks while the teens were talking. She did her best with the situation at hand. She was very good at grasping everything that had happened. Sadie has very strong faith and if you are lacking or forgetting, she will remind you. She even grasps organ donation. She is a very bright little girl.
She was good comfort.
Gretta and Sadie together decided to pray for Tyler together.
They both are very smart, faithful little girls.
I had to let them do what felt right to them.
Just finished Kindergarten and already writing "I love you so much!"
I kinda wanted to take her home with me.
However, I did not have Ninja to switch her out with. I am sure no one would of noticed.
I was told I would be followed home to CO and have a hit put out on me, if I took this dog.
I am sure the hit would be from the KGB.
Through the heartbreak and the trauma it was a blessing to be with my Friends/ Family. I am happy I had the ability I go where I needed to be. I do know we need to MAKE the time to spend together more often. Let's not let 6 years go by without visiting. 3 years MAX.
Sadie followed her Aunt Anna Banana through the thrift store with a skip in her step. She was like Mom Who? She was right at home with her second family. Can't you tell?
However, I am grateful for the ones I do have.
I did force everyone to take a group photo! Who knows when we ALL will be together again. It has been 15 years since we ALL were in the same place. It almost took 15 years to get us all to pose for this picture.
If CRAZY was ever in a room at once, it was this day! We got a special invitation to summer camp.
A blessing that came for free and we made the list!
It was lots of fun and we made a new friend.
Happy Birthday Sadie!!!
Sadie turned 6 and we had a Build-A-Bear Party at the Mall.
It was very convenient. We had cake in the food court and the clean up was super easy!
We had our first girl party with a My Little Pony theme!
Sadie picked a Honey Girl Fox named Meesha.
Sadie made another Meesha for her good friend Gretta.
She has been addicted to Build-A-Bear since we made one at Sea on a Carnival Cruise.
Sadie, Pretty Leopard, Meesha, and her new Pup she got as a gift.
Looks like she had a wonderful day!
We were invited by a good friend to a 4th of July cookout and an AMAZING parade.
They threw candy like they did when I was a kid!
Sadie had a great time!
I had a great time.
We all had a great time.
The 4th of July Parade in Monument is the best!
I forgot my phone so I only have a picture of her loot!
This year we had to go to the 78th Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo and Parade.
One of our favorite Colorado originals.
The Parade kicks off the Rodeo!
Come early and sit on the west side of Tejon to avoid being baked by the sun. Bring chairs and water. I bring snacks. Next year I know exactly where we will sit!
We just will have to go early to get a good spot.

On our way back to the car we found a 719Rocks. We saw this pantry box right across the street and decided to leave the rock there for someone who may need the message. Sadie was pretty excited to find it. We will have to make our own and hide them around town. I guess we will be hauling around a bag of rocks soon.
Headed to the Rodeo! Hee-Haw!
I know I have a picture somewhere of them standing in this same spot.
Isn't my town beautiful?
Sitting in the row in front of us was an off duty Bull Rider. The Rodeo Clown picked on him so he jumped over the railing and took the clown for a spin!
All Rodeos have a clown!
We had amazing seats.
We had the best view ever!
She was super excited to get a cow!
Bull Fighting was added this year but they were not very interested in chasing anyone.
The Rodeo is a long time Colorado tradition and has become a tradition in our family.
It sure will leave a little girl tired.
Somehow we snuck in a quick trip to
Las Vegas.
Freemont Street is always good for a laugh.
Of course, I gave him few bucks.
We also squeezed in a trip to Paris.
Not really. This photo was taken in front of the famous Bellagio Fountain. We waited for about 45 minutes just for the fountain show to be cancelled completely due to high winds. I am not a fan of the strip. I don't like the way the streets and sidewalks are set up. Maybe one day I will stay in the middle of the strip, the day I do not have a child with me. Until then I'll stick to Circus, Circus or somewhere off the strip.
We stopped by Pawn Stars to take a peak inside. It is free to get in and there was no line.
Sadie watched the show when we got back to our room and realized she was actually there. She thought it was pretty neat.
The place is tiny and it looks as if they sell more Pawn Stars souvenirs then they do actual merchandise. I really didn't see anything too exciting.
It's a good place to go for free, to pass time, when it is 111 degrees outside.
Of course we hit up our favorite place, Circus, Circus. I absolutely love the Midway. We got a few Large wins so she hit the jackpot. I won a few bucks playing Roulette.
I got to visit with my Aunt Debbie in Las Vegas, she is on her "Live Life Tour" after beating stage III cervical and uterine cancers. We had a good time going to Circus, Circus and sitting by the pool.
I pray my Aunt remains cancer free and continues to "live life" and her "tour" never ends.
Well that was summer in a nutshell. I am sure I missed a few things.
Very nice. I'm happy you had an active summer.