
Wednesday, May 25, 2016 - Make This Summer Birthday Special - Sterling Silver Heart Locket

I received this amazing opportunity to review a BEAUTIFUL Sterling Silver 2-Picture Heart Locket from Pictures On Gold! I was so excited to create this locket using their “Build Your Own Locket” technology! This is such a unique process. It is done in real time, and can be created on any Mobile Device or Desktop. It was extremely simple. I designed and ordered my heart locket right on my smartphone! My phone has all my pictures, so it made it really convenient to upload current photographs.

The very first step I took when creating my locket was to add clip art. There were so many choices. I could sit here for hours thinking of a million different ways I can design the front. I started looking in the "Mother's Day" section because I wanted something that perfectly depicts my daughter and I. This was too perfect!

Next you can upload any photo you like, starting with the left side. You have the ability to zoom in or out and make the photo larger or smaller. This process was very easy from my smart phone. I added 2 photos. One of my daughter and one of my daughter with her father. I will eventually pass the locket down to my daughter so I wanted to include her Daddy into the keepsake of this beautiful piece of jewelry. 

I decided I would put the words I sang when I was pregnant, as I patted my belly, so my daughter would know my voice. "Sadie Momma's Baby Girl" was engraved on to the back. I was able to space it out an it appeared on the locket in real time. This whole process was amazing. In 15 minutes I  designed a beautiful locket, that I just love! It will be a nice heirloom to pass down to my daughter. 

Finally, I chose the 16 inch Sterling Silver Box chain with a Lobster Claw.
I hit preview, to make sure my locket looked perfect, and submitted my order.
The locket ended up prettier than I could of ever imagine. 

The step-by-step process is so easy I am sure my Mom could design one. That is saying a lot since I am lucky she knows how to answer her smart phone.  It is so easy and fun, you should order one for yourself, your Mom, Wife, Sister, Cousin, Grandma, Friend, or Me. (Just Saying) This would make a great surprise anytime, but especially on my Birthday! 

I know A WHOLE LOT OF YOU have Birthdays in the next few months! Maybe you should email, tweet, or share this on Facebook with your husbands. Wink, Wink. 

Visit Pictures On Gold today and get started building your own sterling silver heart locket NOW! 

I received this locket free of charge in return for my honest review. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

ARC of the Pike Peak Region, Great Finds

Thrifting has been a part of my life since I was a kid. I consider myself a "professional thrifter or picker". When I am thrifting, I mean business. Don't touch my "precious". You possibly could get hit by my cart. Not really, but I have been known to run and jump for something good.

Colorado has the best thrift stores. The ARC of the Pikes Peak Region has the best deals and amazing items! You never know what you will find. However, This is true with all Colorado ARC Thrift Stores, I have been to three in the Denver area. They help our community and those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Each day they offer a "Color of the Week"  where a specific price sticker in that color is 50% off. On a certain day of the week the ARC will add additional colors that offer the military and seniors 50% off more items, and on Saturdays everyone gets to partake in the deal. You can find more information on this amazing store by looking for the color of the week and other great information on their website

A while ago I saw a tweet from @ARCThriftStores that someone scored an original Dooney & Boorke handbag for less that $10.00. My friend Joy found one for $6.99! Major score! Maybe I should start looking at the purses a little harder. I usually focus more on toys, bedding and Christmas decorations. I have been to hundreds of thrift stores, around the country, and never found a store as amazing as the ARC!

About a year ago I found a bag of 80's Rainbow Brite dolls and other similar items. The bag was priced at $6.99. I saw this big bag stuffed full, hanging at the very end of the wall. Immediately I could tell what everything squished in there was. I could not believe my eyes. Euphoria ran through my body as I ran to grab the bag. I can see it know in my head in slow motion. Que "Chariots of Fire "! I jump over a toy on the floor, move around 3 children left there to play while their parents shop, and grab the bag. As I walk back to my cart I squeal and make Sadie give me a high five. Telling her that her Mom is so lucky and just hit the jackpot. Even though who knows whats actually in that bag. The dolls and other items are squeezed so tight I really have no idea. I cannot wait to get home to open my amazing treasure! Inside was the following Rainbow Brite items:(remember I paid $6.99 for all this)
These dolls were an amazing find and very hot vintage toys.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mother's Day - Everyday

Mother's Day - Celebrate Everyday

Four years ago, I was pregnant with a beautiful baby girl. I knew I loved her from the moment, I couldn't believe the three positive pregnancy tests! I was over the moon excited to meet her! I would dream about her all the time and wake up crying with happiness. (I would of said Joy, but now that sounds like I would wake up crying with my friend, so I have to watch my language. Ha.)

During my pregnancy my sister in law was a Junior at Palmer High School, who just happened to be taking Early Childhood Development. For one (1) day she had to wear a strap on belly. We met for lunch and got a picture of our bellies touching. It was so funny. We had lots of stares. I wonder if they thought my belly was strap on and hers was real. However, her belly was big! I remember sticking my belly out more to catch up some! Her belly was heavy and was hard on her breathing, especially walking to the restaurant during lunch. Good thing it was all down hill and I could give her a ride back. The greatest part of her assignment is that even boys were issued baby bellies. 

 The following week my sister in law received a digital baby that cried and you had to treat it like a real baby.  It needed to be fed, cuddled, rocked, and changed. Night number one it woke up once. But by night number two, like a real baby, it cried almost all night long. She tried rocking it in its car seat with one had as she laid in bed. It still would not stop crying. Eventually she put it in the hallway where luckily her mother watched the baby because she was on the verge of tears! No sleep is not fun by day two. I remember she slept in late that day because two days with lack of sleep is no fun. Welcome to MOM LIFE. No wonder she doesn't want children now or ever. The doll worked. However, she will change her mind in 10 years. If you're reading this Dani, I Love You! You always will be my "kid"! However, If someone thought she was my kid now, I would feel so old! 
It was really awesome we experienced this together. Once during my pregnancy we were all out to eat as a Family and Danielle said "Gee, I'm only one person" and gladly I added "I'm two!!" I found it hilarious. I can't believe I found the moment to say that and WAS two people. Being two is amazing. 

I was sick my entire pregnancy and had a million worries yet I LOVED being pregnant. I'd be pregnant forever. I know now why some women secretly have a ton of kids for the pure fact they love being pregnant. My Sadie belly was really cute. I knew I was having a girl the entire time. I would rub my belly and sing, "Sadie, Momma's baby girl"!

Being a Mother is the most rewarding job I have ever received. It has crazy hours, you get lots of over time and you never get a vacation. However you will get out of it what you put in to it. If you put nothing into motherhood, do not be surprised, you bore a drop out ingrate. If you put in a lot to motherhood, you may just end up with an amazing trumpet player with a college scholarship. It is no different than a plant, if you do not water it or give it sun, it will wither away. Some plants, regardless of how well we take care of them, will turn into a weed, not a flower. You may have a weed in your family. We love them and know that they came from the same seeds we did. So nothing stops us from loving them.

Motherhood is a long crazy ride that never lets you off. God blessed me with the cutest, funniest, loving little girl. I'd do it all a million times again! There is no price tag on love. Mother's Day is really a day to love on our kids more and be thankful for the blessings we have been given. Our children our a gift, not a promise. Treasure every moment with them. Teach them to grow into their own little personalities. One day my daughter will need a husband and I hope she finds a nice young man whose Mom loves him and did right by him, just as I do for her.
(I tell Sadie she is betrothed. She watches the Lion Kind enough, one day she will figure it out. I would love her to find a great boy from a great family. Like this cutie cowboy she is standing with above. I would love to be part of their family, for real. HaHa!
Is it silly I already think about her getting married and worry she will pick the right young man?)

My first Mother's Day when I was pregnant, (by the way motherhood begins in your heart, not your uterus) I saw a charm in an ad and really wanted it. I woke up and asked Martin if we could go buy it. I tried hinting and cutting it out, hanging in on the fridge. Yet, nothing clicked. So I just had to ask for it. It was a silver and rose gold heart with a mother holding her baby daughter on the inside. To me this is what my heart felt like and longed for. It perfectly described what my heart was longing for.

I promised to wear the necklace till she was born. Little did I know that  promise would change to keeping it on till she came home, a long 35 days later.
(Here you see I pushed it over to have some kangaroo care time.)

Even today, On Mothers Day, I am sick as can be, yet never get a moment "off". Not that I want off, maybe just a small nap. (I have a sinus infection and some sort of head cold, which is why this one blog has taken 3 days to finish.) I love being with my daughter and take her everywhere with me. Even when I am offered a moment off, I usually do not except since she is my heart and I suffer from Mom Guilt. Being a Mom is NOT a job. It does not have a time clock. It is a blessing from God. You may have to check in with him daily. Give him a run down, let God know your fears, your worries, your needs and wants. He may not give you a baby sitter but he may be able to help you get those winter boots you need.

About two January's ago it snowed and my daughter was wearing regular tennis shoes. I felt bad she did not have something protecting her ankles from the snow. I was flat broke at the time and bought a pair a Goodwill. I had to return them, for they were to big. Later that night I prayed and mentioned needing boots for my child. The boots were not the focus of my prayer, being thankful for what I do have, being a better Mother and protecting my daughter and her Daddy were my focus. The very next day I got an email from Coke stating I had a $30 credit to Zappos. It was a prize from a contest during the summer. However, to me it was a prize God delivered. For only he knew I needed boots. I had not told a soul but him.
There were two boots for kids on their website. One was exactly $30 and the shipping was free.

I do not believe those boots came from Coke, they came from Heaven. God does listen. It took me a long time to understand this. It was not till I started talking with him daily did he start answering me. I am not saying he always answers me. Sometimes he wants me to ask him about things a hundred times or more. I do now, and I never stop.  I think he wanted to show me he hears me but needed me to keep coming back to him. That is exactly what I did and my life started changing. That is a whole other Blog.

I thank the Lord for giving me these tiny feet to walk with me in his footsteps. We are learning one baby step at a time. In daily lessons to giant ones.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

PicturesOnGold.Com Mother’s Day - Sterling Silver Heart Locket Review

I received this amazing opportunity to review a BEAUTIFUL Sterling Silver 2-Picture Heart Locket from Pictures On Gold! I was so excited to create this locket using their “Build Your Own Locket” technology! This is such a unique process. It is done in real time, and can be created on any Mobile Device or Desktop. It was extremely simple. I designed and ordered my heart locket right on my smartphone! My phone has all my pictures, so it made it really convenient to upload current photographs.

The very first step I took when creating my locket was to add clip art. There were so many choices. I could sit here for hours thinking of a million different ways I can design the front. I started looking in the "Mother's Day" section when I found the best clip art that perfectly depicts my daughter and I.

Next you can upload any photo you like, starting with the left side. You have the ability to zoom in or out and make the photo larger or smaller. This process was very easy from my smart phone. I added 2 photos. One of my daughter and one of my daughter with her father. I will eventually pass the locket down to my daughter so I wanted to include her Daddy into the keepsake of this beautiful piece of jewelry. 

I decided I would put the words I sang when I was pregnant, as I patted my belly, so my daughter would know my voice. "Sadie Momma's Baby Girl" was engraved on to the back. I was able to space it out an it appeared on the locket in real time. This whole process was amazing. In 15 minutes I  designed a beautiful locket, that I just love! It will be a nice heirloom to pass down to my daughter. 

Finally, I chose the 16 inch Sterling Silver Box chain with a Lobster Claw.
I hit preview, to make sure my locket looked perfect, and submitted my order.
The locket ended up prettier than I could of ever imagine. 

The step-by-step process is so easy I am sure my Mom could design one. That is saying a lot since I am lucky she knows how to answer her smart phone.  It is so easy and fun, you should order one for yourself, your Mom, Wife, Sister, Cousin, Grandma, Friend, or Me. (Just Saying) This would make a great surprise anytime, but especially on Mothers Day!

Especially Birthdays, I know A WHOLE LOT OF YOU have Birthdays in the next few months! Maybe you should email, tweet, or share this on Facebook with your husbands. Wink, Wink. 

Visit Pictures On Gold today and get started building your own sterling silver heart locket NOW! 

I received this locket free of charge in return for my honest review. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Where Has Time Gone

I can't believe time has gone by so fast. The first few years were a blur. I remember bits and pieces, wishing I was not so stressed, scared, or depressed and would have enjoyed her more. (Like all Moms desererve!) Our family had a rough start. I woke up a while back and realized our relationship needed to change. Less Stress and More Fun. We are going to enjoy life, together.

Lately my daughter has been doing a few things that make me laugh. I don't want to forget these funny things. I thought I would share them. Her inner comedian has really started coming out! I allow her to be herself and to enjoy life as much as she can. Boy, does she remind me of myself. I wish some of my family could meet her. She has Grandma Beaver's attitude and CSM Beaver's death stare. She is in to making funny faces, just to make me laugh.  These are the faces I see! Tonight she shared a few for the camera.
She also loves cheese pizza! I'm glad my bird found something she likes to eat. Cold is the best. I got this pizza free via Twitter. I tweeted and they magically sent pizza to my house. No joke. It was awesome. I thought I was Awesome. 

Somewhere she picked this "fingers in the mouth" face up! Who knows where from. I find it hilarious! Of course I tell her not to stretch her face. We will learn about wrinkles at 3.

She watches Netflix with headphones on her game and sometimes I give her a thumbs up to see if she is okay, she gives me a pointer finger up back! 
She just figured it's fingers up. Its so cute, I let it be our thing. I'll explain it to her soon.

We have a natural chef. 
She has been learning to cook. She has mastered the art of cracking eggs. Not one shell in the bowl. She has already shown me up in the kitchen. She likes cooking shows on PBS as well.

She now poses for me! She went from #HangryToHappy!
This Hangry face is the "Do not take my picture face!

Last year she did this face for all pictures!
Or this...
(Hi Daddy)

Or this...
With a "NO"!

One day she decided to be my helper. We tried last year to win Sparkling Ice for a year! Sadie turned in to my superstar. I will have to make a blog just about the contests I enter.
If you haven't figured it out we help bring in an income by entering contests. It has funded two Christmas's and her birthday. It is a way to make ends meet and stay home with my precious baby girl. I would not want her to be with anyone but me!

We buy all her shoes, clothes, and gifts with gift cards I (Mom) wins. It is the only thing I can do to help our family as I stay home with Sadie and make it through the millions of dollars we still owe  on her birth. That's why I end this post asking for a little help.

We are in the running for a local Mother's Day Contest. 
You do have to register one time to begin. 
Ten Votes per email/device per day. 
We really need help getting back into third place. 

We can return any favor, just email us, contact us on social media, text me, sent a letter via the Pony Express. Whatever you may need just ask. 
All votes are greatly appreciated. 

Vote For Me - Mother's Day Look Alike Contest 

10 votes per day!